Health and Beauty Loan for a better you

The Health and Beauty Loan can be used to pay for purchasing health and beauty products or treatment and beauty services

  • You will receive a response to your application within a few minutes
  • Money to your account immediately
  • Loan sum up to 10 000 €
  • Interest from 15.9% on the loan balance

Fill in the application here and determine your maximum Health and Beauty Loan limit.

Terms and conditions of the Health and Beauty Loan

  • Annual interest from 15.9% per year on the outstanding loan balance. LHV calculates the interest on the outstanding loan balance, not the whole loan sum. This means that the interest payments will decrease monthly as your loan balance decreases.
  • Contract fee 1% of the loan sum, from €29.90
  • Repayment period from 6 months to 5 years
  • If you need to, you can take a grace period or change the date or amount of the monthly payment. The fee for amending the agreement is €10. To amend the agreement, please write to
  • There is no charge for the premature repayment of the loan amount.

Additional information

Fill in the Application

The health and beauty loan is offered by AS LHV Finance. Review the terms and conditions at and consult our expert. Annual rate of charge is 23.03% on the following sample terms and conditions: loan amount 2000 €, annual interest rate of 19.9% on the on the outstanding balance (fixed), contract fee 29.9 €, repayment period of 40 months, with monthly annuity payments, with the total sum of the monthly payments being 2783.01 € and the total repaid sum of 2753.11 €.